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Mac Vs Windows article. Introduction


In today’s fast-paced and tech-focused world, having the right tools is essential for business success. But the question of which operating system is best is still a question small business owners grapple with.

The two main choices are Macs or Windows. And you probably have a personal preference based on the computers you’ve used before….

But what about commercial and financial considerations?

Are Macs the best option for design-led companies? Does Windows provide better functionality and compatibility? And what about costs, security, updates and maintenance?

If you’re updating your IT hardware but aren’t sure what’s right for your organisation, here are the pros and cons you need to know. We’ll help you settle the Macs vs Windows debate and make the best decision for your business.

Macs vs Windows: a brief background.

When it comes to computer operating systems, Microsoft Windows is by far the most popular choice. As of July 2023, almost 70% of desktop PCs run some version of Windows. Macs account for just 20% of the market.

But does this mean Windows is best for your business? Well, not necessarily…

For a bit of background, personal computers (PCs) entered the market in the 1970s. Replacing previous large, clunky and expensive machines, these new models transformed computing forever.

In the mid-1980s, Apple launched their Macintosh computers (Macs). From this point onwards, the Macs vs Windows debate arose. And it hasn’t gone away!

Both Macs and Windows have become increasingly affordable, advanced and efficient, but opinion is still divided on which is best. Macs and Windows have distinct advantages and disadvantages that will suit different companies, workforces and strategic priorities.

Without understanding these characteristics, you could spend thousands updating IT hardware that just isn’t right for your business.

Macs vs Windows: pros and cons at a glance.

Costs and longevity

  • Macs: Higher upfront costs but a greater reputation for durability.
  • Windows: Lower purchase price but more potential for instability and errors.

Tasks and apps

  • Macs: Fewer choices on software, but better for specialist programs and tasks – especially in the creative sector.
  • Windows: Large amount of choice and capabilities, with plenty of affordable apps.

Security and repairs

  • Macs: Less impacted by viruses and malware, with repairs only available through Apple or Apple specialists.
  • Windows: More targeted malware, but repairs are more widely available from a broader range of IT professionals.

Let’s take a look in more detail…

Mac and Windows Comparison -Costs and longevity.

Costs and longevity.

In terms of upfront costs Apple is the only company producing Macs, whereas many companies (such as Lenovo, HP, ASUS, Acer, Samsung and Dell) make PCs operating on Windows.

This competition keeps prices low, with budget-friendly Windows desktops starting around £250 to £300. At the time of writing, Apple desktops (such as the Mac Mini) start at £649, rising to over £1,000 for the iMac. At the other end of the spectrum, a high-end Mac Pro costs over £7,000 while a comparable Windows PC will set you back £2,000.

Macs are more expensive, but they’re famed for excellent build-quality and longevity. This means you won’t have to replace your devices as often or spend as much on ongoing maintenance and repairs.

Think about your workforce too… if everyone’s used to Windows, will shifting to Macs mean lots of training? While it might make sense for your business long-term, training staff takes a lot of time and money.

Before you commit to either operating system, it’s sensible to list all the upfront and ongoing expenses.

Mac vs. PC Compatibility and integration comparisons

Compatibility and integration.

Given the popularity of Windows devices, people are familiar with standard Microsoft 365 apps (think Word, PowerPoint and Excel) as part of everyday life.

Microsoft 365 works just as great on Apple devices aswell, so there’s no training needed in the workplace for ether platform. Great!

Given Windows’ popularity, this also means your partners, clients and stakeholders are probably on the same platform. Not shifting between apps and running the risk of incompatible file types makes compatibility and communication easier.

But does this mean Windows is the obvious choice for business? Not quite.

While most computers run Windows, the majority of UK smartphones and tablets are Apple products. They’ll integrate seamlessly with Macs, enhancing workflow efficiency for professionals using iPhones, iPads and other Apple devices.

Mac Vs Windows - Tasks and applications

Tasks and apps.

If you work in the creative sector, Macs are the industry standard.

But there’s no requirement for Macs in design-led roles. You can perform the same tasks and run most of the same apps on Windows.

For instance, Adobe Creative Cloud is available on both Macs and Windows, but Final Cut Pro (used by video editors) is only available on Macs.

But there are a few advantages to Macs…

Perhaps the biggest reason Macs dominate in creative industries is colour accuracy. This accuracy and consistency is critical for designers, photographers and video editors (to name just a few) needing precise colour representation.

Nonetheless, Windows-based PCs are entirely capable of handling creative work. Many professional designers and artists use Windows to achieve the same high-quality results.

Mac apps are also known for their high-quality design. But while the Mac App Store offers many apps, there’s a more extensive catalogue available for Windows (often cheaper too). So if you’re working with specific software, check availability and costs before making your decision.

Mac VS PC - Security and repair differences

Security and repairs.

As Windows devices are more common than Macs, cybercriminals target them more often.

Macs have a better reputation for security and stability, as Apple produces both the operating system and hardware. They include built-in security features like Gatekeeper which blocks potentially harmful applications and XProtect which scans for known malware.

Despite this Mac updates aren’t as frequent as Windows, which can potentially leave them vulnerable to attack.

Windows has improved its security over the years, with significant updates to Windows Defender providing antivirus and antimalware protection. There’s also advanced User Account Control (UAC), stopping any unauthorised changes to your computer.

And of course, its important to remain vigilant at all times and implement any multi factor security features (MFA and 2FA) available for third party apps on both platforms.

In terms of repairs, Macs need less maintenance than Windows PCs. However, Mac repairs are more complex – and often cost more. Without an AppleCare subscription, you’ll need a third-party specialist. In contrast, most IT professionals can easily perform Windows repairs in-house. Outside support is also widely available, keeping costs low.

In summary.

As you’ve probably guessed, there’s no clear winner for Macs vs Windows when it comes to small businesses. This depends on your needs and priorities. 

If you need a helping hand. 

If you are unsure which platform to choose, then we are here to help!  Our Award winning team at Ohso Technical is highly experienced in configuring and maintaining Windows and Apple devices that are used in both dedicated and hybrid business working environments. Simply call 020 3963 5533 today and have a no-obligation chat with one of our friendly and helpful IT professionals today.  Or if you’d prefer to send us a message, then head over to our contact page. we look forward to hearing from you soon! 

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