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Zero Trust Security guide


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying one step ahead of potential threats is paramount.

But the days of building a strong perimeter and trusting everything inside are long gone.

The solution?

Enter Zero Trust, one of the most promising security frameworks in the IT and cybersecurity sphere.

In this introduction, we’ll demystify the concept of Zero Trust Security and zero-in (excuse the pun!) on why it’s a game-changer for businesses strengthening their cyber defences.

Let’s get started.

So what is Zero Trust

What is Zero Trust?

Zero Trust is a security framework that goes by many names. It’s sometimes known as Zero Trust Security, Zero Trust Architecture, the Zero Trust Model or just Zero Trust.

Whatever you call it, Zero Trust is more than a buzzword. It’s a fundamental shift in how we think about cybersecurity. 

Simply put.

It’s an approach assuming zero trust (as the name suggests) when it comes to network communication and access. In a Zero Trust model, trust is never granted by default. Whether requests originate from inside or outside your corporate network, they’re always thoroughly checked and authenticated.

This means no entity within your IT operations, whether it’s a user, device, application or system, is trusted without verification. Unlike traditional cybersecurity models, there’s no network “edge”.

It’s an essential paradigm shift in a world where cyber threats, malware and data theft can come from anywhere, including inside your network. Zero Trust is also perfect for today’s cloud-based and hybrid working practices.

How zero trust security works

How does Zero Trust Security work?

Zero Trust isn’t a single tool or technology. It’s a comprehensive security framework that encompasses various strategies and principles.

At its core, Zero Trust relies on continuous verification and authentication of users, devices and applications. The term was coined by Forrester Research analyst John Kindervag, following the principle “never trust, always verify”.

Here’s a quick breakdown of a few key practices:

  • Verifying Identity: Users and devices are required to prove their identity through multi-factor authentication. This could include a combination of things like something they know (password), something they have (smart card) and something they are (fingerprint).
  • Least Privilege Access: The principle of least privilege is key in Zero Trust. Users and devices are given access only to the resources they need to perform tasks. Unnecessary access is restricted as far as possible.
  • Micro-Segmentation: Networks are often divided into smaller, isolated segments. This prevents lateral movement within the network, making it harder for attackers to move around undetected.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Zero Trust involves real-time monitoring of network activity, looking for anomalies or suspicious behavior. This allows for immediate response to potential threats. It also facilitates “conditional access”, where permissions are granted or denied based on conditions like the user’s location, time or device health.
  • Encryption: It’s a mainstay of most business-sensitive communications these days, but encryption is more important than ever. With Zero Trust, all data in transit should be encrypted to protect from eavesdropping or interception.

What did Zero Trust Security replace

What did Zero Trust Security replace?

Zero Trust isn’t so much about replacing specific security models, but evolving to meet the challenges of our increasingly interconnected IT infrastructure.


It’s a significant departure from traditional “castle and moat” security models. This “standard” approach generally trusts endpoints and users within a business network (the castle walls).

But instead of trusting yet verifying, Zero Trust treats risk as inherent. Even within the castle walls, threats still exist… whether that’s internal actors or credentials stolen by third parties.

As a result, Zero Trust models ensure all access requests are continuously monitored and validated. Instead of a simple password that’s easily hacked, this could include oversight and analysis of:

  • Location
  • User identity
  • Credentials
  • Connection type
  • Behavior patterns
  • Operating system
  • Hardware type
  • Patch levels
  • Device applications
  • Wider security insights

And more…

Why introduce a Zero Trust strategy to your business

Why introduce a Zero Trust strategy to your business?

As we’ve seen, the traditional “castle and moat” security model has its limitations. For one, it assumes that once a user is inside the perimeter, everything is safe.

However in today’s digital landscape, threats emerge from external and internal sources. Indeed, over 80% of cyber attacks involve credentials or user actions inside networks.

Zero Trust is a proactive approach that:

  • Reduces potential for cyber-attacks by restricting access to the bare minimum.
  • Enhances security by continuously monitoring and adapting to evolving threats.
  • Mitigates the risk of insider threats by not inherently trusting users or devices.
  • Provides robust defenses by segmenting the network and encrypting data.

In essence.

Zero Trust strategy is an investment in the future of your business’s cybersecurity. It’s about staying one step ahead of cybercriminals (as well as accidental data breaches!) and ensuring your systems remain secure in an ever-changing digital world.

What are the benefits of introducing a Zero Trust cybersecurity strategy

What are the benefits of introducing a Zero Trust cybersecurity strategy?

Introducing a Zero Trust cybersecurity strategy can yield wide-ranging benefits for any organisation.

Just some advantages include:

  • Heightened Security: Zero Trust enhances your organisation’s security by eliminating the assumption of trust and reducing the attack surface.
  • Reduced Insider Threats: By not inherently trusting users, Zero Trust mitigates the risk of insider threats.
  • Improved Compliance: Many regulatory requirements (such as GDPR) align with Zero Trust principles, making compliance easier to achieve.
  • Adaptability and Resilience: Zero Trust is flexible and adaptable, making it suitable for organisations of all sizes and industries. In the face of evolving cyber threats, it provides a resilient defense mechanism.
  • Cost-Effective: While implementing  Zero Trust may require initial investments, it saves money in the long run by preventing breaches and data loss. Productivity and profitability can also improve, with increased agility and a strong focus on business goals.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Zero Trust helps provide a seamless and secure user experience by allowing access from anywhere, on any device, without compromising security.

What’s required to implement a Zero Trust policy

What’s required to implement a Zero Trust policy?

Implementing a Zero Trust policy requires a combination of technology, strategy and cultural shifts within your organisation.

You can find plenty of in-depth advice on implementation frameworks, including an in-depth guide from the National Cyber Security Centre and a useful overview from Microsoft.

But in short, there are three key phases to consider.

1. Plan and visualise

In the initial planning and visualisation stage, you’ll want to understand all the resources at your disposal, the technology (and time) you’ll need and risks involved.

For instance, what security tools or solutions facilitate real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities? Who’ll lead the project and how will it help the company as a whole?

Think about:

  • Building a business case, i.e cost savings, improving compliance, enabling remote work or cloud migration.
  • Defining and documenting goals, outcomes and Zero Trust models.
  • Securing buy-in from leadership with a focus on business priorities, as well as involving and empowering colleagues.

2. Implementation 

It’s time to put plans into action and start detecting and preventing threats. If the worst happens, what’s the strategy for mitigating the impact of a breach?

Zero Trust implementation could include robust Identity and Access Management Solutions (IAM), network segmentation and clearly documented policies governing access, data handling and incident responses.

Think about:

  • Structuring your Zero Trust rollout into manageable initiatives, with both short term plans and long term roadmaps.
  • Align all Zero Trust efforts with overall business goals, continuously monitoring for friction or challenges.
  • Ongoing training and facilitating shifts in security and working practices.

3. Measure and optimise

Consistently track and optimise your Zero Trust procedures to protect every part of your IT infrastructure. As part of this, periodically audit and test your Zero Trust architecture to identify vulnerabilities.

To ensure long-term success, focus on continually improving the user experience for security teams as well as the wider company. Zero Trust shouldn’t slow people down or make work more difficult.

Think about:

  • Identifying key milestones and goals for your organisation. Track and report on progress, learnings and successes.
  • Use surveys to understand business impact, aiming to reduce interruptions and improve efficiency.
  • Measuring security effectiveness and continuously improving IT oversight.

In summary.

By reimagining the way we approach security and adopting a Zero Trust strategy, businesses can better protect their assets and data, mitigate risks and stay ahead of the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. It’s a journey that requires substantial planning, technology and a shift in mindset, but the rewards are worth the effort!

Thank you for reading our latest article. 

If you’d like to improve your organisation’s cybersecurity, get in touch with Ohso Technical today. With the award winning cybersecurity solutions, we can help you reduce cyberattacks, protect your business’s intellectual property and minimise risks to IT systems. Call 020 3963 5533 and speak directly to a friendly consultant today, or complete one of the many contact forms on our website. We look forward ot hearing from you soon!

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